In September of 2023, I started making weekly Sunday Night Playlists. I was inspired by Cillian Murphy’s BBC6 Radio program. His fondness for each of the songs he played on the show was clear. So I chose songs simply because I like them, not to suite anyone else’s tastes. That’s the criteria, really. Each week consists of precisely thirty songs by artists who have not appeared in a previous week* and they are all songs I like in one way or another. I don’t include a track just because I think someone will like it, nor do I exclude a song because I think someone will not like it.

The playlists are made up of material from all sorts of genres of music, from avant-garde to pop to electronic, from Appalachian to film scores, thirties crooners to gypsy jazz, reggae to indie rock, big band to swing, etc. There are always thirty tracks and I try not to include lengthy tracks - maybe eight to nine minutes, tops.

After I send the playlists out, they are archived here. Enjoy!

*On a few occasions early on, some artists were inadvertently repeated. That was before my methods were fine tuned and should not happen again.